Sunday, February 12, 2006

Journal Entry

Dear Journal,
Arrived in Bangor today. Met with the motorcade which is bringing me to the eastern lab complex. Still haven't been given the details on the experiment. All I know is that the experiment is known as project FIREWALK.
Thats all I know

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Activity Charts

The following is a series of brain scans for a male and female subject over the course of 3 weeks. the coloured area signifies brain activity. The names of the subjects and the contents of the "dosage" are yet to be revealed.
**Important** Note the spread of the brain activity that appears to occur beyond the physical borders of the brain.
- Phillip


The following is a letter addressed to Dr. William Hensfield.

Dear Dr. Hensfield,

As you are aware, our company is the leading competitor in pharmaceutical drugs. We have developed some of the most important drugs and medicines in known world. Recently we have opened up a new research and development laboratory north of Bucksport, Maine. The shareholders and I have decided to place you as the head of a particular experiment because of your position as one of the companies leading biochemists and neurologists. The details of the experiment will be explained upon your arrival at the laboratory because it has been classified top secret. We look forward to seeing you as head of this particular experiment.

William D. Revan,
Joint CEO of V-Sar Biotechnics

Last Testimony

Hello, If you are reading this then I am dead. I was unable to escape my pursuers. I was murdered in order to prevent information about my employer and its experiment. Luckily, I gave Phillip all my files for publication. I only hope that those ho read this will be able to learn from my mistakes and never dabble with the human body as I have. The following posts are files decrypted from my laptop in the order that they are discovered.
My only hope for redemption lies with in this weblog.

The Last Testimony Of Dr. William Hensfield.